jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Study Skills

4 April 2017


Study skills are approaches applied to learning, considered escential for acquiring good grades and useful for learning throughout one's life.


*Don't leave revision to the last minute
*Don't avoid revising subjects you don't like or find difficult
*Don't forget that there is life beyond revision and exams

*Study after 11.0 pm


*Have a good breakfast
*Give yourself plenty of time to get the exam room
*Make sure you know where the exam is being held
*Take everything you need (pens, pencils, water,anything else?)


*Read the instructions
*Read all the questions and give yourself time to answer those you are required to answer
*Plan how much time you will need for each question
*If you are stuck, go to the next question. You can come back to the unfinished one later. If you are really stuck, try to have an intelligent guess


*Perform as well as you can -"YOU are YOU" so you can only do the best you can on the day
*Don't go through the answers with your friends afterwars, if it is only going to worry you
*Try to put the last exam out of your mind and look ahead to the next one - you can't go go backto change things  


*Pay attention in class
*Take good notes
*Keep an organised notebook

*Ask question in class
*Plan definite study time and place for each day
*Don't crame for hours the night before a test or exam
*Don't make study sessions too long
*Practice skills learned by doing problems, exercises and essays
*Aim to build a clear understanding by connecting areas of knowledge
*Prioritise your options and study

April 6 2017

How Can I Study More Effectively

Taking Notes
All good study techniques Start with good note taking Habits. Knowing how to take good notes will improve your ability to study more effectively

10 Study Habits of Successful Students
•Try not to do too much studying at one time
•Plan specific times for studying
•Try to study at the same times each day
•Set specific goals for your study time
•Start studying when planned
•Work on the assignments or materials that are the most difficult first
•Review notes before beginning an assignment
•Eliminate distractions during study time
•Call another student for assistance when needed
•Review schoolwork over the weekends

There are many methods and techniques
Available to use for studying
You will have to decide which method is best
For you depending on:
-your learning style
-the teaching method used
-the course material to learn
-the type of tests used  


Duolingo (Luisa Mujica, Ana machado)

Is a website and social project aimed at free language learning and certification of the level of english 

Vitutor (Alejandro, Nicole) 

It is another site of great educational value because it brings together a large collection of notes and explanations on the subject of mathematics and languages , for students of different levels

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