domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

Puppets and cartoons

May 18, 2017

Class started with a cartoon activity from the Luisa, David and Gilbet`s group.

First activity was about listening some intro cartoons and put its name on the work sheets, then they gave an explication about adjectives with some power point slides, next the guides classmates, gave random characters  to the classroom and then make specific groups, the grops should find characteristics of the character given by the instructors, afterwards pass to the board and locate the character among others and put the characteristics found. Activity ended with broken phone game as a competition.


The activity of the classmates Alejandra, Yorlexi, Ma Fernanda, took the different countries, nationalities and languages, started with 3 work sheets and a socialization of them, the activity ended a very funny puppets show.

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